Not too many people like cleaning the bathroom. When it is done right, it can take a considerable amount of time to scrub down all of the tile inside and outside of the shower. Any given week, many people eyeball their showers to determine whether or not they need cleaning. If they do not see visible dirt, mold, or mildew, they may give them a quick wipe down and then move on. They may look at their shower tiles differently if they were able to see all of the bacteria that may be lurking there. 

Escherichia Coli

Escherichia, which is also called E. coli, is one of the most common bacteria that can be found in your digestive tract. While there are many strains that are harmless, there are others such as E. coli 0157 that can produce digestive grief for an extended period of time. Most commonly spread from person to person through fecal contamination, you can often find the bacteria in and around your toilet, as well as in your tub. 

Symptoms of this bacteria include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Low grade fever
  • Cramping
  • Bloody diarrhea

While these symptoms normally go away on their own, they can cause even more serious diseases such as anemia, and severe dehydration, 


Another common bacteria that you are able to find in your bathroom is Salmonella. This is a bacteria that can also be found in the digestive tract. Some animals such as reptiles, poultry, and rodents are also common carriers. It can be spread to humans through contaminated foods. While it does not cause any grief unless it is ingested, it can be found in under-cooked foods, or the eating of raw foods from areas that use fecal matter as a source of fertilizer.

This bacteria can also be inhaled from water droplets that are often spread by the simple act of flushing of the commode. If you leave the lid up when you flush, the force of the water will often release these droplets into the air.

Symptoms of salmonella are very similar to those of E. coli, and will usually resolve themselves within a week. 


One of the most complex bacteria that you hear the most about, especially during the winter season, is streptococcus. You often hear about this because it can lead to a dreaded case of strep throat. Other forms of this bacteria can be the cause of meningitis, pneumonia, pink eye, and even narcotizing fascitis, which is a deadly flesh eating bacteria. 

There are actually over fifty species of this particular bacteria, although not all forms of this bacteria are pathogenic; the non-pathogenic strands can be found throughout your body. One of the most common causes of the spread of the pathogenic type of this bacteria is the failure to use proper hand washing precautions after using the restroom. 

The symptoms from streptococcus vary depending on the class of bacteria, and the disease that is being caused. 

What Can You Do?

Besides good hand washing, one of the best things that you can do to prevent the spread of bacteria throughout your home is to properly clean your bathroom, kitchen, and other high traffic areas. Always ensure that you not only scrub the tiles surrounding your sink, but those surrounding your bathtub, and those on your bathroom floor. Consider hiring a company like Logan Carpet Cleaning Inc to help with these tasks and get the deepest clean possible. Wipe down door knobs, faucet handles, and your toilet handle daily with a disinfectant wipe. Your family's health may depend on it.
