You might love the look of your stainless steel appliances, but even minor scratches can really put a damper on their appearance. Fortunately, you don't have to deal with scratches on your stainless steel stove, refrigerator or other appliance forever. Instead, if you follow these tips, you should be able to get rid of them permanently.

Use a Mildly Abrasive Cleanser Believe it or not, a good mildly abrasive cleanser can work quite well at buffing out scratches on your appliances. You can purchase an abrasive cleaner at your favorite mass market retail store, or you can make your own; you can do so by making a simple paste out of water and baking soda.

Once you have an abrasive cleaner on hand, gently rub it into your appliance's scratched surface with a microfiber cloth. Make sure that you rub with the grain on your appliance, and pay careful attention to scratched areas. The abrasive nature of the cleaner will gently buff out scratches and can leave your appliances looking like new again.

Use Sandpaper Did you know that you can use sandpaper to gently buff more serious scratches? If you've tried an abrasive cleaner and didn't have any luck, look for a fine-grit sandpaper, and wet it gently with cool water. Then, very lightly buff at the scratch. You will want to do so with the grain, and make sure that you don't use a heavy hand; otherwise, you could do further damage to your appliance's surface. If the sandpaper doesn't work at first, look for a grit that isn't quite as fine, and try again.

Hire an Appliance Repair Company Appliance repair companies like Collier County Appliance Service, Inc. can do more than just swap out essential parts in your appliances. Many appliance repair technicians can also repair scratches. They have special scratch repair kits that are more effective at getting rid of scratches and can touch up the surface until it looks like new. Although it can pay to try to fix the scratches yourself at first, this is a sure-fire way to make your appliances look scratch-free if you haven't been successful at getting rid of them on your own.

Don't assume that your appliances will never look good again just because they have scratches. Instead, try these steps to get rid of these scratches once and for all. Once you do, you're sure to love the look of your favorite kitchen appliances.
