The porous nature of granite allows moisture to seep deep into the stone and cause stains, especially as your granite sealer begins to wear. This can be especially problematic when dealing with oil stains left behind by a greasy pan or a melting stick of butter. Thankfully, it is possible to remove these stains and restore the beautiful finish of your granite countertops. In fact, by following the simple directions outlined below, you will be able to accomplish this task in just three easy steps.

Materials You Will Need

  • mild dish soap
  • hot water
  • terrycloth rag
  • iron
  • microfiber cloth
  • flour
  • wood spatula
  • plastic wrap

Step 1: Breakup The Stain

While oil is able to easily soak into your granite countertops while in liquid form, it will not remain in this form for long. As the oil begins to solidify, it will clog the pours of your granite making it virtually impossible to life the stain. Therefore, in order to effectively remove the stain, you will first need to breakup the oil by returning it to a liquid state. This is easily done by applying heat.

Begin by soaking a terrycloth rag in hot water. Lay the rag out over the stain and place a hot iron on top of it. Allow the iron to remain in place for approximately five minutes before removing both the iron and the rag. Be sure your iron is turned on the hottest setting in order to achieve the best results. If you are worried about burning your countertops, there truly is no need to worry. Not only is granite highly resistant to heat damage, extreme heat is actually a necessary part of the stone's formation.

Step 2: Apply A Poultice

Next you will need to mix a homemade poultice which can be used to lift the stain out of the granite. This is done by mixing hot water with a mild, acid free dish soap. Once your soapy water is ready, add enough flour to the mixture so that it forms a very thick paste. Spread this paste over the entire stain and cover it with plastic wrap. This will lock the moisture in and prevent the poultice from drying out too quickly.

Leave the poultice in place for an entire day before returning to complete the final step.

Step 3: Remove The Poultice (And The Stain)

After allowing the poultice to sit for 24 hours, remove the paste using a wood spatula. Using a clean rag, wipe the surface of your countertop with plain water in order to remove any residue that has been left behind. Finally, use your microfiber cloth to dry the countertop to a streak free shine. At this point, your oil stain should be a thing of the past. However, you may wish to consider resealing your granite in order to prevent future stains.

For tougher jobs, and possible replacement, contact providers, such as All Marble Granite & Tile Imports Inc.
